TCF Scholarship Recipient- Denise Tuttle

Story by: Denise Tuttle (2017)

“Going Back to School”

Although I teach full-time and have periodically taken educational classes, a Master’s Degree seemed unreachable for me. I wondered if I could manage as a full-time teacher, a mom, a wife and a part-time graduate student at the same time, let alone re-enter graduate school 27 years after earning my Bachelors of Science degree.

The CIRI foundation has allowed me to begin my graduate program. Without your funding, this would be an impossible dream.

My husband has been an amazing support by editing my papers and cooking dinner when assignments became more intense. I have completed two classes and am excited to continue my program in the fall, should I receive continued financial support.

Thank you TCF!!!

Your financial support is making a difference!

Denise Tuttle



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