A Journey To What Matters Project Grant- ANCCS Culture Week 2017

Project: Culture Week 2017
Grantee: Alaska Native Cultural Charter School
Written by: ANCCS
Photo by: ANCCS 

The Alaska Native Cultural Charter School (ANCCS) would like to send a huge Quyana to TCF for their continued support and dedication to the success of our Culture Week. During Culture Week, students at ANCCS spent a total of four days working with local artists from our community learning about many different Native art forms. During this time students learned how to make Yup’ik drums, Tlingit blankets, Athabascan earings, dream catchers, Yup’ik headdresses, Kuspuks, Alutiq paddles, beaded headbands, wooden masks and tradtional foods.

We are very grateful for the Education Project and the Journey to What Matters grants.

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