Project: Coloring Alutiiq
Grantee: Alutiiq Museum & Archaeological Repository
Story by: Amy Steffian
On a rainy, windy day in September, the children at Ouzinkie School had some special visitors. Alutiiq artist Hanna Sholl and three members of the Alutiiq Museum’s staff flew to the rural community to deliver a surprise. To an excited group of children the team passed out copies of Coloring Alutiiq—a recently printed Alutiiq-themed coloring book developed by Sholl with support from the museum and The CIRI Foundation. The students greeted them wearing colorful paper Alutiiq-style masks, and they grinned and chatted as they paged through the book trying to decide which picture to color first. They were delighted to see pictures of Alutiiq things, to meet the artist, and to work beside her to color the images for themselves.