ANCSA-U 2022

Sharing the true history of our peoples is essential and making them available publicly is important to First Alaskans Institute and our community. Funding provided by TCF allowed us to not only celebrate the 50th anniversary of the passage of ANCSA but also to engage and educate our community while showing the love of our homelands.
During 2021 and 2022, we hosted 5 virtual coffeetimes to highlight the ways ANCSA has impacted our lives, the recordings are available for anyone to view on FAI’s YouTube Channel. We also published our winter edition of the First Alaskans Magazine with a commemorative cover and featured stories and lastly, we sponsored a social media contest, where contestants shared their narrative through video and pictures of our connection to our lands, waters and other traditional spaces, showing Alaska and the world that we continue to be the stewards of our homelands.