Project Grants

Introduction to TCF Grants

The CIRI Foundation supports the educational and cultural aspirations of Alaska Natives through various grant programs. Our grants aim to enhance the customs and traditions of Alaska Native people from the Cook Inlet region by supporting projects that promote public appreciation and understanding of our culture.

Grant Opportunities

TCF’s Education and Heritage Project Grant Program has awarded approximately $4.1 million to nonprofit organization projects that align with our mission. These grants support initiatives that benefit Alaska Natives and Alaskans, furthering our goals of cultural preservation and education.

Eligibility and Application

Grant opportunities are available for nonprofit organizations that align with TCF’s mission and goals. Please refer to our specific grant program pages for detailed eligibility requirements and application guidelines.

Contact Information

For more information on our grant programs and how to apply, please check each grant information page. If you have any questions, feel free to contact The CIRI Foundation. We are here to support projects that benefit our community!

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