The Alaska State Council on the Arts, in partnership with The CIRI Foundation, is pleased to provide the Alaska Native Artist Resource Workbook to assist Alaska Native artists in furthering their artistic careers.
On January 14, 2020 the Alaska State Council on the Arts’ office re-opened after funding was reinstated August 19, 2019. Please call ASCA’s main line at 907-269-6610 for assistance with grants and programs.

The purpose of this Grant Writing Handbook is to offer suggestions and clarify the process of writing a grant proposal for arts funding. It is adapted from the First Peoples’ Cultural Council of British Columbia to provide information and resources specific to Alaskan artists. We are grateful for this partnership enabling us to increase our resources to perpetuate and promote the unique artistic and cultural traditions of Alaska Native peoples!
1227 W. 9th Ave., Suite 300 • Anchorage, Alaska 99501
- (907) 276-1917
421 W. 1st Ave, Suite 200 • Anchorage, AK 99501
- (907) 272-5341
- (907) 272-3979
161 Klevin Street, Suite 102 • Anchorage, AK 99508-1506
- (907) 269-6610
- (907) 269-6601
301 W. Northern Lights Blvd. Suite 601 • Anchorage, AK 99503
- (907) 297-2700
- (907) 297-2770
3201 C Street, Suite 506 • Anchorage, Alaska 99503
- (907) 793-3575
- (907) 793-3585
Alaska Native artists use some material in their work that is strictly regulated by state and federal law. Wildlife protection agencies are committed – in addition to providing enforcement – to educating artists and the public on the lawful use of fish and wildlife in traditional Alaska Native artwork. U.S. Fish and Wildlife and U.S. National Marine Fisheries agencies have staff available to answer questions about these restrictions and regulations. If you need assistance about materials you can download these information sheets found online, contact ASCA staff or individuals listed below for help.